What is my Legacy?


By Pam Watkins - Prayer and Senior Enrichment Pastor
I attended a funeral today, what a wonderful testimony it was to a man who had lived his life not just for, but also like Jesus.

As I listened to the legacy he had left behind, the encouragement and the love of Jesus that he had shared with others on his journey on this earth, I was in awe. Well done good and faithful servant!

It made me question what I was doing with my life, and what legacy I would be leaving behind. How many people would attend my funeral, what words would they offer, what memories would they have, and more importantly, what impact I would have had for Christ.

I have been researching and reading a lot about ‘retiring well’ lately as I have stepped into my new pastoral role in Prayer and Seniors Enrichment. Books I have recently purchased and been reading through include, Retirement Revolution, Uncommon Retirement, and Boomers and beyond. They all follow a similar train of thought, that being that the world’s view of retirement and God’s vary considerably.

Longevity has changed considerably and we can now spend 20-30 years in retirement. Many are finding that after the initial honeymoon period, the dream of having a life of leisure just does not stack up. Lack of fulfilment, loneliness and depression is rife with retirees.
When Jesus said

“I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)” Jn 10:10 AMPC, He did not say, “but just until your 60th birthday”… God’s great plans and specific purpose for each of us continues until He calls us to our eternal home.
The personality and Spiritual gifts we are given, the skills, wisdom and knowledge we have attained, are still relevant and vital to God’s plans for His Kingdom.

Be encouraged, you are a vital part of the family of God. Seek the Lord in prayer and ask him to lead you into the fullness of Life he came to give.

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